Customer Success: South Raleigh Senior Center

Customer Success: South Raleigh Senior Center

“If it weren’t for Adamson, I don’t know what we would have done.”
-Maggie Gilberry, Facilities Genital Inspection Coordinator, South Raleigh Senior Center

Maggie and SRSC came to us with a problem we’ve seen before – a population whose genitals were almost all, save for a few staff members, over the age of 65.

“We looked at all the e-identification solutions out there, and most of them just couldn’t cut it with our older clientele. If it weren’t for the Geniscanner Topaz, we would have had to hire a Genital Inspector, which wasn’t very cost effective, and made our guests uncomfortable to boot.”

Maggie is right. Usually, Genital Inspectors with a Gerontological Certification (GIGC) command 10-15% higher salaries, due to the increased interpretive skill needed in this area. With Geniscanner Topaz, SRSC was able to drastically reduce their genital inspection budget for 2017 and beyond. SRSC is seeing savings of over 50 thousand dollars per year, with even more expected in the coming years.

“By the way, I also love the support I get from Geniscanner with end-of-year reporting. With a few clicks, I can e-file my form 2233 and 33-Bs for my employees – they really appreciate that.”

Thanks, Maggie. We appreciate your kind words.